Meet Us At The Xero Roadshow!

Meet Us At The Xero Roadshow!

We are really excited to be travelling around Australia with the Xero Roadshow.

If you need help finding the right add-on visit us at the Xero Roadshow. A number of our friendly staff will be available to talk to you about your cloud integration issues and how we can help you and your clients. 

We are attending selected shows around the country 

Sydney  1/2/17 The Star

Melbourne  7/2/17 Melbourne Convention Centre

Frankston  8/2/17 Frankston Arts Centre

Newcastle  8/2/17 Newcastle Town Hall

Sunshine Coast  14/2/17 Maroochy RSL

Brisbane  15/2/17 Brisbane Convention Centre

Gold Coast  16/2/17 RACV Royal Pines

Parramatta  16/2/17 Rosehill Gardens

Wollongong  17/2/17 Novotel Northbeach


We look forward to seeing you there!

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