Sharpen up your store with a Swiss Army Knife of apps

Sharpen up your store with a Swiss Army Knife of apps

SMB Consultants Jeffrey Atizado demystifies the buzzwords around cloud integration and add-ons at the 2014 Xero Roadshow, Australia.

He runs through a “Swiss Army Knife” of cloud software solutions that work together to help retail and hospitality business owners save time and run smart businesses.

Also in SMB Blog

Piece of paper being ironed
Kirsten Mackenzie | Marketing Manager

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Business graphs
Beyond the Checklist: Harnessing Stocktake for Strategic Growth

As we delve deeper into preparing for the end of the financial year and the importance of stocktake, it’s crucial to recognize not just the procedural side but the profound impact effective stock management has on the overall health and scalability of your business.
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Streamlining Your Stocktake: A Guide to Smooth Sailing
Streamlining Your Stocktake: A Guide to Smooth Sailing

As we approach the close of the financial year, stocktaking transcends from a mere item on our to-do lists to an indispensable requirement. This critical exercise is not just about compliance or ticking off a box; it's a golden opportunity to delve deep into the state of your inventory.

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